發動機綜合性能檢測儀 發動機測試儀 型號:DP-HPC801 DP-HPC801 汽柴油發動機綜合檢測儀: DP-HPC801儀器采用全中文漢字顯示,能對各種型號的柴,汽油發動機行全面不解體檢測和故障診斷可對柴汽油機的啟動電流,電壓,充電電流,電壓,汽缸壓力,點炎提前角,無外載測功.單缸動力,潤滑系統,異常響聲,噴油壓力,白金閉合角,發動機轉速等29項參數行測量.分析故障原因,測量結果與評價由打印機打印給出.該儀器還有波形顯示功能可直觀地分析各種波型的情況,測試軟件可行win98及winNT,winXP系統等。 DP-HPC801 instrument adopts the whole Chinese characters display, can make various types of wood, gasoline engine to conduct a comprehensive testing and fault diagnosis of non-disintegration of diesel gasoline engine can start current, voltage, charge current, voltage, cylinder pressure, advance angle point of inflammation, no outside the set dynamometer. cylinder power, lubrication system, abnormal noise, injection pressure, platinum closed angle, engine speed and other 29 parameters were measured. analyze cause of the malfunction, the measurement results and evaluation is given by the printer. The instrument is also waveform display features an intuitive analysis of various wave conditions, test software can be win98 and winNT, winXP system. 北京亞歐德鵬科技有限公司 :010-51298264/51294858
:曹 地址:北京市海淀區阜成路42號院12號樓A-302室 :http://www.yodp2011.com/ : alibaba旺旺:depeng201105 |