DP/YPD-200C型片劑硬度儀測試片劑藥物硬度質量的用試驗儀器,本儀器適用于片劑藥物的硬度測試,是制藥廠、醫藥教研、科研和藥檢的實驗室的儀器。 該儀器采用速單片微電腦控制系統,有強的數據處理能力,自動測試藥片的Z大、Z小、平均、標準差和離散系數報告。 該儀器具有界面友好的藍色大屏幕LCD圖形液晶顯示屏,操作功能運用菜單方式,操作簡便,真正實現了人機對話,內容明了、測試精度,試驗重復性好,讀數直觀清晰,測量單位:㎏—N可在軟件操作中設置。 . 主要參數 測定片劑壓力范圍 1~25㎏ 測定藥片Z大直徑 2-30mm 硬度壓力精度 Z大量程的±0.5% 分 辨 率 0.01㎏ 輸 入 功 率 30W 噪 音 <50dB 電 源 220V±10% 50Hz 外 形 尺 寸(長×寬×) 470×290×174mm 凈 量 15Kg DP/YPD-200C YPD-200C tablet hardness tester using the international advanced sensor circuit, the electrical feed mechansim for automatic measurment. The tester is easy to operate, high-precision test and the number arguments show the measurement data with intuitively. the hereinbefore in order to hold the reliable basis of the tablet hardness VS coating, storage and transportation as well as provide with a strong basis for the reliability of measurement of tablets and tablet hardness of the collapse, release( Dissolution) of experimental data. The main technical parameters: Max Dia. Of tablet 2-30mm Tablet pressure range 1-25kg Testing accuracy 0.01kg |